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We've got new life groups starting up soon!  Get involved.  Don't do life alone!


Come and join us on Sunday nights starting on September 15th, 2019 as we study a 10-week course from Kenneth & Gloria Copeland on the topic of healing and wellness.  We will discuss what God's word has to say about healing and living well and how to overcome the obstacles the devil tries to stop us with.  DON'T DO LIFE ALONE!



Do you know what you are called to?  Do you know that God has a calling for your life?  Are you walking in it?  Come and join us on Tuesday nights starting on September 10th, 2019 as we study a 10-week course from John Bevere on the topic of God's calling on your life.  We will be empowered with confidence to learn how to discover, obtain, and fulfill our calling.  You will be blessed and your life will never be the same!  DON'T DO LIFE ALONE!


We will be gathering on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm at the church to pray.  Why, you ask?  Is prayer important?  Is this only for the "super" Christians or the "fanatics"?  These are the questions you may have regarding prayer.  But Jesus gave us a clear picture of our need to pray.  The Bible tells us on several occasions in the gospels that Jesus would take time to go off by himself to pray and spend time in the presence of the Father.


Our personal lives should be bathed in prayer.  Paul admonished us to "pray always with all prayer and supplication..."  As the body of Christ, it is imperative that we come together corporately as well to pray.  It may be out of your comfort zone, it may seem different or not something you would normally involve yourself with, but it is absolutely critical in the times we are living in.  Our church, our community, our nation depends on it.  God is wanting and waiting to hear from us.  We hope you will join us.


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