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We (the Lighthouse Church) are the sponsor for Trail Life USA Troop PA-0122.  Below you will find all of the information you need to know about our troop.


We believe strongly in raising boys to be godly men and a program like Trail Life is an important part of their growth.  This program is designed to teach boys integrity, honesty, Godly character, and many life skills.  It is a Christ-centered, youth adventure program for boys age 5 through 18.


What is Trail Life USA?  Check out the video below for all of the details about the Trail Life program.


Visit our Facebook page for more info about our troop! 

How often do we meet?


Currently, our troop meets on the first and third Thursdays at the Lighthouse Church in West Decatur.  Troop meetings start at 6:30pm and end around 7:30pm.



How much does it cost?


Trail Life USA registration is $26 per year, paid directly to TLUSA.  Our troop also requires a yearly "dues" fee of $60 for each trailman.  These funds go into an account for the trailman and will pay for many of his yearly expenses.  That consists of the following:


     • Book when they join and when they cross over

     • Uniform piece or t-shirt

     • Badges and badge pins

     • Funds for activities throughout the year


The dues may be paid on or by December 31st, 2020.  We are also asking that each trailman participate in at least 2 fundraisers per year.  Our goal is to provide at least 3 fundraising opportunities per year for the trailman to be involved in.  These fundraisers will help aid the trailman's account as well as the general troop account.




































Who are the leaders of Troop PA-0122?


     • Tyler Shannon - Troopmaster - main contact for the Troop



     • Casey Maines - Troop Ministry Liasion - secondary contact for the Troop



     • John Thomas - Troop Chaplain



     • Jim English - Committee Chairman



     • Steve Millinder - OH (Organizational Head)



     • Brian McTavish - Trailmaster


     • Taylor Thomas - Trailmaster



What is our mission?


Trail Life Mission:  To guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure.


Trail Life Oath:  "On my honor, I will do my best to serve God and my country, to respect authority, to be a good steward of creation, and to treat others as I want to be treated."


Trail Life Motto:  Walk Worthy – Colossians 1:10



Troop Structure and Focus


Woodlands - Boys in grades K-5 who are led by a Ranger and Trail Guide.  They will be split into three patrols: Foxes (K-1), Hawks (2-3), and Mountain Lions (4-5).  These boys will focus learning about who God is, faith & duty, and service to others.  Their award development is based upon participation and focuses on seven branches: hobbies, heritage, life skills, outdoor activities, pioneering skills, science & technology, and values. 


Navigators -  Boys in grades 6-8 who are led by a Trailmaster and Trail Guide.  They will primarily study various skill badges and faith studies.  Their award development is split into three ranks (Recruit Trailman, Able Trailman, and Ready Trailman), with rank being achieved through completion of badges, service hours, troop leadership, and faith building activities.


Adventurers - Boys in grades 9-12 who are led by an Advisor and Trail Guide.  They will be working toward a spiritual development award.  There are three award ranks in Adventurers (Journey Award, Horizon Award, and Freedom Award) with required badges, service hours, troop leadership, major & minor study options, faith building activity, and servant leadership project.  These boys will also be responsible, with the help of their Advisor and Troopmaster, to plan the quarterly troop outings.




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(814) 342-2576


7993 Drane Hwy

West Decatur, PA 16878, USA

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